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LOST CIVILIZATIONS: THE REAL EVIDENCE by Casimir ten Have - Workshop & Get Together
LOST CIVILIZATIONS: THE REAL EVIDENCE by Casimir ten Have - Workshop & Get Together

Date and time is TBD


De Vrije Ruimte School

LOST CIVILIZATIONS: THE REAL EVIDENCE by Casimir ten Have - Workshop & Get Together

In this Lecture, Casimir ten Have will use geoarcheology and basic scientific scrutiny to dissect some of the existing theories on ancient buildings and artifacts, and provide a few possible alternatives in the process.

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Date and time is TBD

De Vrije Ruimte School, Stadhouderslaan 15, 2517 HV Den Haag, Netherlands

Over het evenement

Lecture: Advanced Lost Civilizations: The Real Evidence 

 Some ancient stone buildings like the pyramids spark the emagination.  This is partly because they are difficult to explain. How did people build such wonders? 

This question becomes even more intriguing when you start looking at these buildings through a geographical lense.  

Based on his bachelor thesis, Casimir will use geoarcheology and basic scientific scrutiny to disect some of the existing theories on ancient buildings and artifacts, and provide a few possible alternatives in the process. It seems like technology unknown to modern humans. What happened to the lost civilization?   

During and after the lecture there will be time for questions. Casimir has knowledge of research methods used in geology and archeology. He has spent a lot of time researching the validity of both mainstream and alternative theories on ancient buildings and artifacts. 

This can be an interesting evening for both enthousiasts and sckeptics.

After the workshop, you can share your experience and have some delicious soup, bread and connect around a fire.

Choose your contribution for Friends of DVR.  The ticket includes the workshop, a delicious soup, bread, snacks and a get together around the fire! 


If you cannot attend the workshop, you can always join us just for the Get Together around the fire at around 18.00.


In the democratic School De Vrije Ruimte Students learn in a Self-Directed Way, on the basis of equality and mutual respect with their mentors Our goal at Friends of De Vrije Ruimte is to enlarge the already existing community of our school and create a space where we can all connect and share our knowledge.

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