Here is how you can support us and become part of our dynamic Friends of DVR community:

- By becoming a Friend of De Vrije Ruimte.
- By donating money through our Foundation.
- By buying or donating things that we need for our school, see Wishlist.
- By volunteering in our school or donating your knowledge for a workshop for Trueducation.
- By sharing our webpage and posts on Social media.
- Buy or donate things that we need for our school; see Wishlist.
- Sponsor a project or workshop for our school and get free marketing on our website, newsletter, and social media
De Vrije Ruimte is approved by the Dutch Inspectorate of Education and has gloriously passed all inspections.
Nevertheless, our school does not receive any subsidies or financial support besides the parents' contribution.
Our school has managed to survive and thrive for 15 years and counting because of our highly motivated team of teachers and staff who work primarily voluntarily.
Parental contribution helps with costs for the rent of the building and catering but so much more is needed.
Your contribution as a friend or donator is crucial for:
- Creating a more sustainable financial basis for our school. Amongst many other projects we have, we are looking for a bigger building so the school community can keep growing and thriving.
- Creating learning materials to let everybody know that it is possible to educate our children effectively while fully respecting them and allowing them to be who they are.
- Creating training courses about Sociocracy, Self-Directed Learning, and Intrinsic Motivation for regular school teachers so that they can, beyond the Sociocratic Concept, apply our experiences.